
Friday, 27 March 2015

Bubble Gum Ice Cream

I like bubble gum ice cream.

I enjoy bubble gum ice cream as dessert from time to time. I get together with other aficionados to discuss which brands are the best. I keep updated on news related to bubble gum ice cream.


I do not live bubble gum ice cream 24/7. It is not plastered on my walls. I earn my living by other than bubble gum ice cream. I have several interests and hobbies which have NOTHING to do with bubble gum ice cream.

Therefore please consider the following requests of mine:
* Do not regale me with coupons for bubble gum ice cream. Like you, I also buy things like clothing, electronics, books, etc.

* Do not post photos and news article about bubble gum ice cream to my profile. I have already seen them. Remember: I am networked with other aficionados, and we keep each other up to date on the latest.

* Don't ask me about the ingredients or nutrients found in bubble gum ice cream when YOU CAN FIND THAT INFORMATION ONLINE FOR YOURSELF.

* If I am not open about my affection for bubble gum ice cream in a certain space - that is, if I have not specified that I am open about it in a certain space, DO NOT IDENTIFY ME AS SUCH THERE. Height of rudeness, that. UGH.

* When you see magnets, pyjamas, wall paintings, wrapping paper, trinket shelf nicknacks, and the like featuring bubble gum ice cream, KEEP WALKING. I don't need my abode filled with that stuff (especially if my clothing is holey, my shoes are falling apart, I am on my last tube of toothpaste, I have no hand lotion, and I don't have my own laptop on which to do my work).

* Do not walk up to me randomly in some random location and strike up a loud conversation with me about bubble gum ice cream. I have a life outside the stuff, for God's sake.

Thank you!
-Freedom to Be

Thursday, 26 March 2015


TW: Fucking Whites Doing Shit to People

So. White with bomb at NAACP. Not terrorism. White guns down three Muslims in their home. No terrorism. White flies plane into federal building. Not terrorism. White tries to bomb MLK parade. Not terrorism. White fucking drops 150 people out of the sky using an airplane. Not terrorism.

Looks like you people have completely lost any idea of what terrorism is. You know what terrorism looks like?

This is what terrorism looks like.

Pretty sure that's a fucking terrorist. Get this - the nasty little fucker has his own goddam holiday.

More terrorism:

(Armenian genocide)

Ever wonder why it's called "New Mexico"? Because terrorists stole it from Mexico.

51st state: boxed, wrapped, and hand-delivered by terrorists.

When terrorists grabbed the Philippines.

Terrorists tanking the economy, bringing about the largest transferral of wealth from black to white hands.

A terrorist killed this innocent man.

Terrorists wearing business suits destroying our planet, too.

Oh, and that plane that fell out of the sky?
That would be a fucking terrorist, too. Fucking call shit for what the fuck it is, ok?

Monday, 23 March 2015

Researching a Hadith: "Teeth of a Comb"

The Hadith of the Teeth of the Comb

Sunni Version
In عربي (Arabic) script, then the transliteration of both phrases, each followed by its English translation:
االناس سواسيه كااسنان المشط
لافرق بين عربي ولا اعجمي الا بالتقوى

An nasu sawasi-yatan ka asnan il masht.
* People are equal like the teeth of a comb.

La farqa bayna `arabi wa la `ajami illa bi taqwa.
* There is no difference between Arabs and non-Arabs except in piety.

The Arabic, transliteration, and English for this was quoted in the following:
"The Shaykh’s Tears Clean His Mureeds," by Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani (07 November 2012 in Lefke, Cyprus), pub: 2012, Sufilive. Seeking a more classical reference. Leave a comment with any information.

In Shia Islam, the first phrase in Arabic is possibly from this source:  من لا يحضره الفقيه:٠٢٧٢/٤٠ (I used cifr as place-holder). In English: Man La Yahduru al Faqih, Vol 4, p 272. I found that reference in the following: دائرة المعارف الحسينية: العامل السياسي لنهضة الحسين - الجزء الأول - "The Hussaini Encyclopedia," Vol 1, by Mohammad Sadiq Al-Karbassi, pub London, 2007 by Hussaini Centre for Research, p 258

The first phrase, worded الناس كأسنان المشط سواء, was quoted in Sh Saduq's "Al Mawa'ith" (The Sermons), which is available online at The following endnote was offered: "Refer to Man La Yahduru al Faqih, Vol 4, p 378, hadith 5797; Bisharat al Mustafa, p 265; Jami' al Akhbar, p 93; Mishkat al Anwar, p 174; Rawdat al Wa'idin, p 469; Ibn Abi Hadid's Sharhu Nahj al Balagha, Vol 4, p 127 and Vol 13, p 316; and Bihar al Anwar, Vol 71, p 286, hadith 42."

Seeking a longer version of the hadith along with proper classical reference. Leave a comment.

A fuller version of the same quote from Shia Islamic hadith literature has been widely attributed to Imam Sadiq on the Internet, but without reference: "People are equal like the teeth of a comb. With the support of his brothers, a man can be regarded as great. No goodness is expected in the friendship of those who do not like for their friends whatever they like for themselves."

Image below grabbed from  Dark grey comb bearing Arabic words "An-nas suwasiyatan." Words below in white: "ka as-snan al masht." Background: light blue mottled with brown, light purple, olive green.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Photos: Sunrise 2015.03.18.

Behold the Glorious Sky in its Brilliant Splendour!

Cotton Candy in the Sky                                                   Regal Colours

              Celestial Brilliance

Best Friend Application

To print your own copy of this and hand it out to your potential best friend applicants, mouse over the embedded document below. Be sure to move your mouse over the upper right hand corner. Click the one that self-identifies as "Pop-out." From there you should be able to print.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Dear Fellow Muslims: We Have a Problem

Black activist leaders respond to state violence against innocent black youth by making the BlackLivesMatter‬ hashtag. When racist violence takes out three prominent young Muslims, you co-opt the hell out of their hard word by appropriating that hashtag and making one for muslimlivesmatter.

Black people get sick and tired of CNN's blatant racism and make the #CNNbeLike hashtag. Once again, you dive right in, appropriate a hashtag that didn't belong to you, and start using it to air your own grievances.

More below the image.

Yes, Islam has been racialised. Yes, Muslim are discriminate against.

HOWEVER. Unless we are also black, we will not know what it is like to lose our genealogies four or five generations out because of systematic violent white enslavement of our ancestors. We will not understand the impact of decades of cumulative and intentional discrimination - most of those decades of discrimination conducted on the force of law. We have a better chance of being hired for a job than a white ex-felon. We will not continue to be systematically regulated to the "wrong side" of town where the schools are crap, the commute to any real job is hours long, the parks are intentionally unkempt, and there are few community programmes. We don't have to worry about trying multiple times to get a decent ACT score only to end up with something barely worthy of community college just because of where we had to go to school. The family histories in our communities don't either become collectively silent at certain points in history, or horrifically painful to hear.

Even if you sympathise with the struggle, you don't get the struggle. Not at the level of blood, sweat, tears, soul-rending pain.

So stop. Make your own damned hashtags. Stop co-opting the work of others. Stop sitting on your goddam privilege.

This post by Ilana Alazzeh illustrates perfectly how whites and NBPOC act on privilege without even thinking about it.

Friday, 13 March 2015

If Cats Are Najis, Then Why...?

In the Commentary, Ruh al-Bayan, it is said that someone dreamed of a pious person after his death and inquired about his condition. He said that one good turn had helped him very much. It was winter. In addition to extreme cold it was raining cats and dogs. In the state of extreme cold he noticed a kitten in search of warmth and shelter. It looked hungry and weak. He took pity on the kitten and picked it up and hid it in his coat of leather and took it home. There he fed the kitten and protected it from cold. When the weather improved, he freed the kitten. Allah had forgiven all his sins because of this good turn of his.
Ayatullah Sayyid Abdul Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Let me Love You - A Matinal Love Letter

excerpts from the poem:

Let my lips tell you of my love,
Singing to you my matinal happiness.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Retreat: Come. You Are Welcome Here; Be Here at Home.

Come, come whoever you are!

Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving - it doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come even if you have broken your vow a hundred times!
Come, come again, come.

Are you LGBTIQ? And Muslim? Religiously Muslim, non-practising Muslim, semi-practising, secular, atheist from a Muslim background - if Muslimness has any part of your identity and you are lesbian, gay, bi-/pan-/asexual, transgender, intersex, queer - we are all welcome here. Register! More below the image, which is a small bit of landscaping at Retreat.

Come, bring your lovely souls to this beautiful place and make yourself at home with us here - perhaps even discover a new family. Please consider it and register for Retreat today.

The 2015 Retreat for LGBTQ Muslims (and Partners) follows on four successful events held in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, each of which brought together more than 70 people from 4 countries, for a weekend of powerful dialogue, spiritual nourishment and emotional renewal.

Some of the kinds of workshops held at Retreat might include the following:
* gender
* writing
* how to pray
* Qur'an
* religious diversity
* relationships/sex
* creating communities
* coming out
* We also have prayers, dhikr, and the ever-famous Talent/No Talent Show.

Retreat Participant Sadaf Syed wrote of her experience at Retreat:
The LGBT Muslim Retreat was probably the most affirming experience I have had in my life, so far. I was a scholarship recipient and this was my first year as part of the retreat and I felt like I was finally able to be myself as a whole person. By 'whole person,' I mean that I felt like all of my identities were represented equally and I did not feel like I belonged only in certain ways and not others.

The people I met, the plenaries and workshops I attended and the conversations I had were all part of a learning experience that was much needed for my personal growth and development. I learned about myself, as well as the larger Muslim community. The accepting and non-judgmental environment was something I had not experienced within my own community, which was truly refreshing.
Does any of this appeal to you? Register! Not completely sure yet that you want to come? Register now and make up your mind later. Think that you're too secular for us? Register! This place is for you. We are here for each other.

Come. Come again, come.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

H/T Nina Simone on International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day! A treasure from Nina Simone. Give a shout when you see the woman in a headscarf! (maybe Muslim?)

UGT Andalucía Habla sobre el Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora

Éste es el Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora. Como ha dicho UGT en un comunicado de prensa, «La responsable de Igualdad en UGT ha insistido en que todavía hoy en España a las mujeres se las contrata menos que a los hombres y con un contrato más precario.»

Según dijo Almudena Fontecha, Secretaria de Igualdad de UGT: «Las mujeres en nuestro país cobran menos y asumimos casi en exclusividad las responsabilidades familiares. Todas las políticas adoptadas por este Gobierno en materia de reducir el estado de bienestar tienen como consecuencia una pérdida del empleo femenino y más dificultades a la hora de practicar la conciliación. Credo que nadie hoy en este país puede recordar ninguna medida que el partido popular haya puesto en marcha para acortar la brecha entre hombres y mujeres. ... Todavía hoy nuestro país las mujeres siguen siendo las que ocupan el mayor número de puestos en relación a desempleo. ... Creo que además de hablar de los jóvenes como generación perdida o referirse a los mayores de 45 años como la generación olvidada, tenemos que hablar de la generación invisibilizada porque la crisis lo que está haciendo es ocultar esta situación que sufren las mujeres.»

Friday, 6 March 2015

Tips for Loved Ones of Someone with PTSD

Copied and pasted directly from the following:

How to Cope with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Band Back Together

Two lists: what to say, and what NO to say to someone who has PTSD.

What To Say To Someone With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
* "I'm here for you."
* "How can I help?"
* "How does PTSD affect you?"
* "Can I go to your support group to learn more about PTSD?"
* "Let's do something together - can I come over?"
* "You're not alone and you're not crazy."
* "You're not wrong for your feelings."

What NOT To Say To Someone With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
* "You're overreacting."
* "Stop being so dramatic."
* "You're being weak."
* "Relax and forget about it."
* "It's just for soldiers - you don't have PTSD."
* "You've been through so much already, how can this possibly have given you PTSD?"
* "Aren't you over it yet?"
*"Yeah, well, when So and So's kid got (insert traumatic event), he/she didn't have PTSD."

Regional News Outlet in Michigan Unabashedly Engages in Transmysogyny

I always wondered how WNEM brought all of the bigots to the yard.

See, for example, how WNEM's audience reacts to Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr Day. Well, now I know. WNEM intentionally appeals to bigots.

WNEM, a TV station in Saginaw, Michigan which serves the Greater Lakes Bay Region (GLBR) and Flint has been posting over the past couple of days about the case of a woman who lost her Planet Fitness membership for expressing transmisogynistic opinions about another member there. Rather than carry the story in a way that demonstrates respect for the transgender gym member, WNEM has been consistently using bigoted, cissexist language to attract viewers to its news article and Facebook posts.

In one post aired on Thursday 05 March 2015, WNEM intentionally misgendered the women who had been targetted by the complainant. In another post on Friday 06 March 2015, WNEM insinuated that taking action against a bigot is "judgmental." In the article posted to its website, WNEM extensively conveyed the opinions of the transmysogynist woman who was complaining about the transgender woman at Planet Fitness. They did not attempt to interview the transgender woman. They did not even interview her. Further, WNEM did not do any research on transgender issues; and that showed in the glaring absence of any information regarding transgender persons.

In conducing itself so inappropriately and with such a lack of regard for journalistic integrity, WNEM added fuel for bigots in the GLBR and Flint areas to use when they harass and attack gender and sexual minorities or air their bigoted views in public spaces. WNEM has also demonstrated its commitment to appealing to a bigoted audience and encouraging their bigotry.

Below are screenshots of WNEM's Facebook posts, as well as the text of its article as it appeared at 11:30 am Friday 06 March 2015. WNEM can be contacted by email at or by phone at (800) 522 9636.

TW: Transmisogyny, cisnormativity

Planet Fitness drops member after gender identity complaint
Gino Vicci, WNEM
06 March 2015

MIDLAND, MI (WNEM) - It's a business that sells itself on being non-judgmental but Planet Fitness has allegedly revoked the membership of a woman for complaining.

Yvette Cormier, a member at the Midland location, says she had no idea what that meant until a few days ago.

"I was stunned and shocked. He looked like a man.. He did not look like a woman," says Cormier. Cormier is talking about a man who walked into the woman's locker room while she was getting undressed. She says she couldn't believe her eyes.

"This is very unprofessional. This is very scary," continues Cormier.

Not knowing why the man was in the women's locker room, Cormier says she immediately complained to the front desk and eventually to corporate offices.

"They told me the same thing, that he was allowed in there because that's the sex he wants to be," says Cormier.

Cormier says she understands that some men self-identify as women and some women self-identify as men but says this man looked like a man and that caught her off guard.

Cormier lost her membership for violating the company's no judgement zone policy.

Moving forward, Cormier says she isn't concerned with getting her membership back. Her concern now is to warn other women at this gym to make them aware of this policy, because she says planet fitness failed to warn her.

The company told TV5 that Cormier's concerns about the policy regarding gender identity was inappropriate and disruptive by complaining to other members at the gym.

Representatives with Planet Fitness issued this statement:

"Planet Fitness is committed to creating a non-intimidating, welcoming environment for our members. Our gender identity non-discrimination policy states that members and guests may use all gym facilities based on their sincere self-reported gender identity.

In expressing her concerns about the policy, the member in question exhibited behavior that club management deemed inappropriate and disruptive to other members, which is a violation of the membership agreement and as a result her membership was cancelled."

Love, But No Hetero (Eww)

Ahhh, sweetheart, I love you so much.


Because ewwwwww.

[Image: Hetero couple in embrace, with one seated on the other's chest, kissing passionately. Image is X'ed out and matted on grey background. Words "I Love You - No Hetero" on matting.]

Thursday, 5 March 2015


The moon is full tonight and is so gorgeous! Here in Michigan, it also has a huge ring around it.

Does that bode unpleasant things?

And here are photos.

Stop Complaining. Black Lives Matter.

"...and another on the website of the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative by Anas White, called 'A Black Muslim Response To #MuslimLivesMatter'.
 - "Solidarity Is Not Co-optation"

Which should have been the final answer. When black activist leaders make a request of those of us who bear more privilege than they - and we do, because light skin earns us more than any hijab or beard could ever take away - we should shut the fuck up, sit down, and listen. We had other hashtags which we could use, and which we did use. We had this discussion in so many other places, on Facebook (here, here, and here, for example) as well as in other articles, such as Khaled Beydoun and Margeri Hill's "The Colour of Muslim Mourning" for Al Jazeera on 15 February 2015.

We already had the discussion. We have already hashed out the issues. As far as I can see, a consensus was reached. I am disappointed to see so much verbiage dedicated to complaining that legitimate arguments were made against appropriating a slogan that quite frankly belongs to another movement. I am further disappointed to see the Socialist Worker carrying the piece.

So that is as far as I will read into that article.

Looking for Spring (05 March 2015)


0981 2015.03.05 07.30 Bird in Crabapple Tree

  0984 2015.03.05 07.30 Largest Enclave                           0990 2015.03.05 07.30 Roxi and the Trails

0983 2015.03.05 07.30 Roxi Looking at Bird

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Afraid to Smile

Depression: Destruction of the Self

TW: References to emotional abuse and some tactics used in emotional abuse.

"Crap, I am smiling and laughing! Is it acceptable for me to be happy like this? I haven't got permission to be. Can I get away with this? Is there anyone around to catch me?" (Cont'd below image.)

Because when psychological torture involves demeaning a person for experiencing emotions or invalidating that person's emotions or opinions, that abuse survivor is likely to undergo Destruction of the Self - a disconnect with one's own identity. Most likely, the survivor will come to identify with the attacker.

The survivor may also have difficulty expressing feeling or even opinions on exiting the abusive situation. This can manifest in, among other symptoms, emotional numbness or indecisiveness. While these can also double as PTSD symptoms, their basis as symptoms of depression is a lack of sense of worth: I don't deserve to be happy; I am contaminated, so I need permission to be happy; I am not worthy of expressing my happiness to others, etc.

Remember that you have intrinsic self-worth, that you were born with it and no-one has the right to part you from it. You can laugh. You can cry. You can rage. You can be calm. It is all yours. You deserve it.

Obviously, MLI Participants Kiss Israel's Boots

... or maybe not.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Remember. Why Are You Following Me?

Three years ago today, Trayvon Martin was shot and killed within a system of white supremacy. Every 28 hours one of my people's lives are taken away. There is no other choice but to win.
- Ociele Hawkins
 26 Feb 2015