
Wednesday 22 April 2015

Old Catholic Hymnals (Or, Zero Excuse to Use Protestant Hymns at Catholic Churches)

Just a brief survey reveals increasing crossover through the decades, but nothing like what I hear on EWTN.

* Cantiques Francais a l'Usage du Catechisme de l'Eglise de Saint-Patrice de Baltimore
pub:  Jean Hayes, pour le compte de J. Rice, Baltimore, Md., 1798
Well, it's French, so not much chance of "familiar" tunes being in here, right?

* Anthems, Hymns ... Usually Sung at the Catholic Church in Boston
pub: Manning & Loring, Boston, Mass., 1800
Some are familiar, some not; and most unknkown. Apparently folk back then didn't read music?
d1 Assemble, ye faithful, be joyful, and triumph      
d2 Before the closing of the day      
d3 Behold the royal ensigns fly      
d4 Break forth, O Zion [Sion], thy sweet Savior sing      
d5 Bright Maker of the starry poles      
d6 Come, Holy Ghost, send down those beams      
d7 From east to west, from pole to pole      
d8 Grateful notes and numbers bring      
d9 Great is the Lord, what tongue can frame [tell]      
d10 Hail, martyrs, blossoms early blown      
d11 Hail, thou resplendent star      
d12 Hail to the queen who reigns above      
d13 How various, Lord, thy works are found      
d14 Jesus, the ransomer of man      
d15 Jesus, the very [only] thought of Thee [You]      
d16 Jesus, who man's Redeemer art      
d17 Let all who have God's goodness proved      
d18 O faithful cross, O noblest tree      
d19 O God, be present and inspire      
d20 O gracious Lord, incline thine ears      
d21 O great creator of the light      
d22 O Jesus let thy anger cease      
d23 O saving Victim, pledge of love      
d24 Sing, O my tongue, adore and praise      
d25 Sing, O my tongue, devoutly sing      
d26 Sing ye praises to the Lord      
d27 Spirit, Creator of mankind      
d28 That day of wrath, that direful day      
d29 The fiery sun now rolls away      
d30 The fleeting year pursues its way      
d31 The Lord no longer will delay      
d32 The red sea's dangers are now past      
d33 The wonders which God's laws contain      
d34 Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble      
d35 To thee, O Christ, be glory, praises loud      
d36 Under the world's redeeming wood      
d37 What makes thee, cruel Herod, shake      
d38 While angels to the world proclaim      
d39 While the disciples weep the loss      
d40 Ye dear bought Christians, come and sing      
d41 Young men and maidens, rejoice and sing
* Hymns, for the Use of the Catholic Church in the United States of America (New ed.)
pub: John West Butler, Baltimore, 1807
No notated music, just typed words. Some familiar, most not.

* The Catholic Harp: containing the morning and evening service of the Catholic Church, embracing a choice collection of masses, litanies, psalms, sacred hymns, anthems, versicles, and motifs
pub: D. & J. Sadlier, New York, 1830
Behold the era of proessional cantors? Because damn.

* Manual of Catholic Melodies: or, a Compilation of Hymns, Anthems, Psalms
John Murphy, Baltimore, Md., 1843
Nothing really looks familiar, but no words or music available.

* A Collection of Psalms, Hymns, Anthems, &c. to Which is Added the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin
pub: Robert Coddington, New York, N.Y., 1844
It really looks as though most of the hymns are unique to the Catholic Church - they appear mostly in other Catholic hymnals of the time.

* The Little Catholic Hymn Book: Containing a Collection of Hymns, Anthems
pub: Edward Dunigan & Bro., New York, N.Y., 1851
Plenty of crossover.

* The Choral Sodality Hand Book, Containing Hymns, Canticles and Litanies
pub: Thomas J. Flynn & Co., Boston, Mass., 1898
Plenty of crossover.

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