
Tuesday, 23 September 2014

When You Are No Longer "Democratic"

You know that you have utterly failed in your identity as "democratic" when you start telling women how to dress.

A posting to the Facebook discussion group "British Muslims for Secular Democracy" of the Standard (UK) news article "Camden School Bans Muslim Teenager from Taking A-Levels Because She Wears the Niqab" evoked a variety of responses. Some were supportive of a woman's right to choose how she dresses her body. Some stated that legal bans are less desirable than pressure to abandon face coverings from within the Muslim community. Most, however, completely lost sight of the fact that it is women and women alone who should be deciding what to do with their bodies - and that includes clothing - and supported legal bans of face coverings for women.

Leighton Evans: "My opinion is this. It's not compulsory so she cant claim religious discrimination and should work to to the rules of the college. Fit in or f off."

Yay. Plurality Fail.

Marina Mahbub: "Thats true there are muslim schools so she could have gome there. Its not practical to wear niqab for things like exams"

Abz Hassan: "It's a good idea to impose the ban, she could be wearing google glass or anything under that covering. She knew what the dress code was, but was hoping the school would buckle and provide special treatment I guess. Doesn't work like that. Not in this country anyway."

A very typically patriarchal response: "Oooooo, she could be wearing ANYTHING under that (or nothing all)!" Also, nation as a monolith.

Imogen Louise Rahman: "Leighton it's not an obligation. Sunnah is not obligatory but is important"

Leighton Evans: "I must try wearing a balaclava and demanding only males speak to me next time I have an interview. Quite rightly I'd be told to fuck off."

And an example of the oh-so-endearing "Why can't men have special privileges, too?" whine. Yay patriarchy.

Monday, 22 September 2014

The Politics of Compassion: Human Rights and Religion

The Politics of Compassion: Human Rights and Religion

In the Atlanta, Georgia area? Interested in the relationship between religion and public health with an eye on human rights? Come see and hear this panel discussion by erudite scholars of religion and public health.

Emma Watson Calls for Men as Advocates for Gender Equality

REDACCIÓN: BBC ha imprimido algunas de las palabras de Emma, traslado al español. Haz click en

Emma Watson speaks powerfully for feminism as a natural force which innately holds gender equality as the ideal situation. She asks, "If not me, then who? If not now, then when?

Help Members of Our Community! (Four Donation Opportunities)

Assalam-o-alaikum! Various community members who are either part of the progressive Muslim movement or somehow connected to it need your help! Keep reading to learn how. This post has four listed parts.

1. A member of the community needs an affordable roommate situation. Follow the links below to help.

In addition, two community members need help raising money to take care of their personal needs. Links for both Sarah and Faisal are below the image.

2. Help Sarah Go To Harvard!
3. Seeking Your Support & Love (for Faisal)

4. And finally, the LGBTIQ Muslim Retreat needs your help to tie things up from Retreat 2014 and to start things off for 2015. This educational and community-building week-end full of workshops and sessions has been successful in edifying participants, linking people together, guiding people to resources, and generally saving lives - literally. Save a life today, and donate as you are able.

Thank you all for your love and support!

Sunday, 21 September 2014

"With Heart and Voice" Knocks It out of the Park Again

So much emotion on today's show, which ends on an enormous and powerful swell. Good job, Peter DuBois! Well-selected end to the show.

"Let Peace then Still the Strife" by Mack Wilberg is a tune which conveys majesty. Carried here by a full choir with an orchestra featuring strings, chimes, and brass, the piece begins quietly and peacefully, moving towards a boisterous finish which speaks clearly of grandeur and strength. The descant soars at the end, lifting the listener to ethereal heights.

Follow the show around the radio today:
* WABE2 at 10 am EDT (M3U stream here.)
* WFIU2 at 11 am EDT (M3U stream here.)
* WYSU at 4 pm EDT (M3U stream here.) .

Friday, 19 September 2014

♪ ♫ "Open Arms" ♫ ♪


We sailed on together. We drifted apart. And here you are by my side. So now I come to you, with open arms, nothing to hide, believe what I say. So here I am with open arms hoping you'll see what your love means to me: open arms.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

♪ ♫ "Nothing Compares 2 U" ♫ ♪

@Yes Scotland

♪ ♫ "Un-Break My Heart" ♫ ♪

@Yes Scotland

♪ ♫ "It Must Have Been Love" ♫ ♪

@Yes Scotland

♪ ♫ "Please Forgive Me" ♫ ♪

@Yes Scotland

♪ ♫ "How Do I Live" ♫ ♪

@Yes Scotland


♪ ♫ "Can't Live if Living Is without You" ♫ ♪

@Yes Scotland


♪ ♫ "I Have Nothing" "I Will Always Love You" ♫ ♪

@Yes Scotland


♪ ♫ "Total Eclipse of the Heart" ♫ ♪

@Yes Scotland


Monday, 15 September 2014

"Smile for Me, Baby!"

Question: Who has rights over another woman's body?

Answer: No-one.

You have no right to touch a woman. You have no grounds to demand that a woman smile for you or otherwise perform for you. You have no right to silence a woman. You have no right to tell a woman how to dress. You have no right to tell a woman what to do with her body. You have no right to tell a woman with whom she can or cannot associate.

You aren't God.

Buzz off.

Eivør Pálsdóttir - Trøllabundin

We have Venus and Galadriel, and now Eivør.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Things I Don't Have Time For: These Spiders

TW: arachnophobia
So this happened today.
In the bathroom.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Supermoon 08 September 2014

8 pm 08 September 2014 in Michigan, USA

Some Corporations want the FCC to Restrict Internet Access

"Cable companies want to slow down (and break!) your favorite sites, for profit. To fight back, let's cover the web with symbolic 'loading' icons, to remind everyone what an Internet without net neutrality would look like, and drive record numbers of emails and calls to lawmakers."

Friday, 5 September 2014

Joan Rivers

I do not ordinarily mourn the death of bigots.

I have no intention to start now.